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S: Hello? C: Hi Dr. Schiano, this is Christina Harmon from St. Olaf college S: Ahh, youre on speaker phone (laughter) hello there C: Is that still okay with you, if youre on speaker phone and being
? S: No problem whatsoever. Hold on one second while I close the door
hello, I can hear you
C: Alright you can hear me okay? S: Yeah. C: Great. I just wanted to talk with you a little bit today about the
project that Im doing and a few things that I wanted to fill in
that I couldnt without some input about your OAC, or I guess its
called NACS now, is that right? S: Yeah we just changed it
4 days ago. C: Okay, did I make sense when I explained what our project was about,
or would you like to hear more
? S: Little bityoure doing a research project on, what is it,
computer ethics? C: Yeah, its going to bewell it already is a website, but
there is going to be a lot more
S: Okay, well I havent seen the website, but Ill take a look
at it. C: Oh, thats okay, it doesnt matterthe website it going
to be used in computer science classes by professors to teach their students
about ethical and social issues in computing. The way that theyre
going to learn is through all these different cases that were presenting,
and the one that Im working on mostly is Richard Machado. S: Okay. C: So, Sara Kiesler over at Carnegie Melon was nice enough to give us
4 huge binders of all the different informationexact testimony,
and things about the case, and so theres a lot that I know alreadybut
S: Have you talked to anyone here at UCI? C: I havent. S: Okay, because I talked to my boss Dana Roode who was more closelyactually,
we both werebut he was the one who did official things about it.
The other persons name is John Ward. Hes the system administrator
who testified as to the steps we took to identify him. C: Okay
see that parts missing from our
S: Yeah well, and since I dont know what you have, I was involved
in the background
I remember parts of it, but its
been a long time
so, I may have forgotten all sorts of parts (laughter) C: Thats okay
There are certain parts of the case that Im
interested in, but there are actually things that Im especially
interested in just about your computer center there
so, I did e-mail
Dana Roode and Liz Doan who was a student at the time, and you, and I
heard back from you
S: Okay, whos the other person you e-mailed? C: Umm, Liz Doan S: Liz Doan, rightshe was one of the recipients of the e-mail
for us
C: Yeah
Well, one of the things I was interested in was just understanding
your network on campus a little better, your e-mail system, because I
was reading through the description on the web, and it sounds like you
guys have a lot of options for students. S: Okay, you wanna know at the time that this occurred, right? C: Yes, and nowI want to know both, because I want to know whats
changed. S: Okay. Umm
about 1990 or maybe even earlier, I dont know,
Ive been here since 1990somewhere along in there, weve
always had e-mail accounts for students available
at the time when
we first started this, the students would sign themselves up, they would
fill out a menu on a terminal that would basically ask them questions
and they would be assigned an initial password and theyd have an
account on the computer. C: Okay. So was it like UNIX, or Eudora
S: Ah, in the background its always been a UNIX computerin
the front what they were seeing, initially, was a program named PINE. C: PINE, okay we have that here too. S: Okay, so theyre seeing a little program that has little menus.
We basically wanted to go with something that was not too complicated
for themnot too many options and whatnot. C: Right, so thats what Machado was using? S: No, havent got there yet
ahh, thats what we started
out with. Over time the demand kept going up and there started being instructional
uses for such, we moved to a model where all students were assigned information
based on what the registrar would give us, thats what were
currently doing at this point. And same thing with faculty and staff through
different data bases. C: Yeah, thats what I got out of it
S: Right, so we would assign an ID to all of them, and underneath is
a thing called "curburos" [phon], which a lot of places use,
which basically assigns them a password in a central location and based
on that we would then create the UNIX computers essentially that would
manipulate their e-mail. And then what people would use to access that
e-mail over the years has migrated as more and more people use PCs. So
using ah, Eudora, Netscape, Outlook, lots of different ways to get e-mail.
But then down below is a series of UNIX computers that are using local
passwords, ah excuse me, passwords and logins that are maintained elsewhere.
Okay, so thats part of the e-mail. The other part is where do they
go to actually see this e-mail, and there are computer labs all over the
campus, and there are computers in peoples offices
the students go to the labs or they log on from home. So in his case,
his use of e-mail was in our labs, and maybe elsewhere, I dont know
dont remember
that he would be using PCs that we owned and
using Netscape. C: Thats what I thought
Because they had mentioned
in the documents that he had used the "finger" command to determine
who he would send this e-mail to
and Ive played around a little
bit with that
S: Yeah
what he had done, what wed determinedbut like
I said I wasnt involved in the court proceedings at any time, except
that my employee John Ward was there, testifying and providing information
to the FBI, and DA and whateverwhat we determined was that he had
been a user of these systems for a long time like all students, and he
possibly could have used IRC, Internet Relay Chat, which is a chat-room
program, thats available to them, although we dont really
like itpeople to use itto identify some people. He had used
finger to figure out who was logged on. So he knew a little bit about
the access he could get through a UNIX shellwhich is what the students
have access to, and of which they can use PINE, or IRC or type finger,
things of that sortso he was getting info about who was logged on
about the people that he was talking to in e-mail, or in the chat room.
So he had done that and he was using the labs at the same time to be sitting
in front of and to be running these programs. He apparently had determined
how to use Netscapein fact some of the early messages that he sent
were teststo show that he could forge an identity. C: Yeah, that was my next questionhe changed his address field,
right? S: Right, he changed his address field in Netscape, which you can do,
and use Netscape to talk via POP, to our mail servers, changed his name
and called himself something else. He also included himself on the "To:"
list, and there were lots of funny things
He had included a person
on there at our medical center that he had found whose name was I think
"Korea" or something, who turned out not to be Korean at all.
So he was basically pointing out Asians of various kinds, and he had found
them, and he had tried a couple tests, and then he sent out the message,
and then he sent out a follow up one to the same group saying "I
just got this, isnt this bad??" C: (laughter) Yeah, "he thinks Im Asian," or something
like that
S: Right, so he tried to distance himself, so thats what he initially
did. While we were, what had happened at that point was that hed
sent this message out to 50 or 60 people, some of them were our employees.
Liz Doan is one, shes the one who actually testified, there were
a couple others as well who didnt really want to get too involved,
so there was a lot of apprehension of actually getting involved in it.
But some of our employees got the e-mails, and one of them worked in fact
for one of the system administrators we have, and he was quite good about
this, and he started figuring out where it came from
The computers,
the way e-mail works, the computer that you sit in front of, and the Netscape
session that this occurred from pointed to a particular PC in the lab.
So he didnt know it was R. Machado, but he knew it came from that
machine. Then he was very resourceful and figured out who at the same
time had logged into the computer running finger and whatnot, because
he [Machado] didnt have to do that, he couldve just gone to
Netscape, unaffiliated himself, unlogged in to any other accounts on the
computers, and just run Netscape and we wouldnt have known much
more about it. But the fact that he was also logged on to the UNIX box
at the same time, we put two and two together figured out it was that
computer, and that IDwe call it the UCI net IDof that person,
sitting in that spot, with that name! (laugher) So at the point he [the
employee] came upstairs and said "theres someone down in here
thats sending hate-mail, sending mail of some sort"
so Ill take a break here and describe something else
we have
a policy like most universities whove run into any problems like
this or anything much more minor than this, ah, a computer use policy.
C: Yeah, I was going to ask about that too. S: And we have developed one from other universities that have
developed, and what weve been hearing about lawsuits, what laws
should be, etc, so we developed a policy about usage. It specifically
says a variety of thingsit may have been in fact in the documents
you have, and its online, it hasnt changed
C: Yeah, I think I do have that
S: And it basically says "Thou shalt not do certain things"
or youll run into all sorts of problems. And we worked that out
with our campus Dean of Students, as tothats our way of doing
the Dean of Students work for these thingsbasically our equipment
that we have
its up to us to decide what inappropriate use
is, of the systems themselves, like someone running a program we dont
want them to, that we told them not to, but we also have the responsibility
to work with the Dean of Students and the campus judicial sects when there
are things that occur that go beyond that, like ah, public indecency--Weve
just been dealing with a case of public indecency in the laboratory, so
that goes beyond campus to criminal law, so we have to, we help them with
that job and theyve assigned us the ability to do that job of, when
someone does something wrong its equivalent to someone cheating
on an exam or
handing in somebody elses homework, we
basically could say "these are the penalties." So having said
that, when the student came up and in fact talked to me first saying "someones
sending me hate-mail, and I know who it is" we identified the system
administrator and Id gone down with him to point out where the person
was. And at first I thought it was essentially just someone sending an,
ah, annoying e-mail of some kind"I dont like you,"
you know or ah some poor language which is something part of our policy
that is not allowed. Profane language, hows that? I thought it was
just profane language. And so, ah, at that point, I went with him and
saw where the person was, and at that point, also other people had started
coming upstairs and saying "Im receiving this as well,"
and my boss at that point, Dana Roode and I went downstairs and Dana talked
to Richard Machado and asked for his ID, and theres a video tape
of this because we have surveillance tapes
ah, asked him who he was,
etc, and said, you know, "youve been using this equipment wrongly,
breaking our computer use policy," at that point neither one
of us actually had read the e-mail. What we had heard was, you know, "using
derogatory terms, sending bad-mail" or whatever. We didnt actually
sit down and read it. That was, in hindsight, one of our mistakes. We
should have looked at it more carefully, but we basically told him to
leave the building and he left. After that, the e-mail started getting
around and over the weekend my boss read the e-mail in detail, Dana did,
and on Monday morning we called the campus police. C: Okaythats something we were confused about, because we
knew that he been asked to leave on Friday and then nothing else
S: Right, no one had really read the e-mail. It went by wild-fire over
the weekendpeople had received it and said "this is more serious"in
fact someone had talked to me, one of my staff, whos background
is Japanese-Hawaiian was very offended that this had occurred, and then
we called the campus police. They then called the DA and it went from
there. C: Okay, so it was kind of just more that nobody understood how serious
it was when it happened? S: Yes, yes. The people who received it, ah, some of them didnt
pay much attention to it, some of them got very concerned. The person
who had come to us firstit was one of our employees, and it wasnt
Lizessentially just thought this was just within in reason or whatever.
When the people who normallyah, John Ward who was applying the policy
and monitoring the usage at that timeby the time on Monday we all
got together and realized it was much more serious. So the delay was over
the weekend and the fact that we didnt read the message. We get
a lot of people saying "Yeah someone sent me mail with curse words
in it," and thats what it was assumed to have been. But when
we actually read the threatsyou know, "Im gonna kill
you," and the fact that he had sent it to 40 specific people, the
details are important too, it wasnt just sent to a newsgroups anonymously
and whatever
C: Yeah, hed taken great care
S: In hindsight, I never met him, but this was very foolish and stupid.
He didnt know what he was getting himself into at all. Then if you
read the rest of the things that were going on in the community, I have
to describe UCI a little bitUCI is about 30-40% Asian-American or
actually Asian nationals coming here for instruction. So theres
a large Asian contingent at the University. Orange County itself has a
large Vietnamese ethnicityseveral hundred thousand peopleand
a comparable size of other Asian cultures in the county. So it hit in
an area where there was a lot of sensitivity to anything like this. So
that caused campus and communities groups to get up in armsthe fact
that it went to 60 people, and the local FBI got a hold of it very quickly,
and it seems to us in hindsight that they were looking for, they had seen
lots of hate-mail incidents in the LA area, and they were very attune
to such things. This one was just unusual being an e-mail. So it basically
mushroomed in a hurry! (laughter) C: Yeah
Would you mind if I asked you a couple questions just about
your procedure in general? S: Sure. C: So it sounds like theres not really...ah
you dont
go to the Dean then? S: Well, lets saylets get a better example. Ah, we
find outwe get a complaint that someone has received an e-mail from
an account or an account seems to be in a weird state. So, we will then
ask the person responsible to come here, or in e-mail, "did you send
this e-mail?" usually we ask them for an interview, and how
we get them in an interview, we lock their account to get their attention,
because they basically work with e-mail only. University students dont
usually give us access to their home phone numbers, we dont use
that information, so we use their e-mail account, locking it to get their
attention, we have essentially what amounts to a hearing, to figure out
what has occurred, and its to find out if something serious has
occurred, like an account has been broken into
C: Now is this a hearing within the computing
S: Within, yes, with the system administrator and maybe a few staff at
most here, acting as lieutenants to the Dean of Students. Our job is essentially
to find out what did they do to the equipment that were responsible
for? We often get people who will, say, share a password, and thats
a definite no-no. But they do it, you know
so we try to determine
if it was something where they violated policy, or is it something more
serious, like did someone break in, or did they break in? Based on that,
we make a judgement, "Well, you shared your password, you should
have known better, you didnt read the rules" We force
them to read the rules when they log onthey cant get an account
unless they physically read it and answer a few questions. If its
a sort of moderate level case like I said, with the password being shared,
we say "well, no account access for two weeks" or something.
If its more serious than that, then we advise the Dean of Students,
and theyre usually, theyre pretty draconian of making people
doing community servicetheyre used to people stealing things.
So theyre going one step before calling the police. Or theyll
call the police, and sometimes well do it directly ourselves. But
most of the time, its essentially an internal hearing, making sure
theyve read the policy, they understand, at the same time try to
figure out exactly what the incidents were. C: I think that sounds like a really beneficial procedure
S: Well, there are still lots of pieces that people have difficulty withuniversities
have this problemgetting all the info out to all the students, that
this is the responsibility, its not for free that they have a right
to it, that they have responsibilities not to do a lot of things; people
believe that anythings okay on the web or an e-mail, and its
not. C: Right, thats part of what were trying to target. S: Yes. Not everything is okay, and a lot of things cross the boundary
to criminal activities, and the FBI are very interested in such these
days, and I think in the case of Machado, he had no clue. He added to
his miserythey probably would have let him get off with some probation
or whatnot, but he skipped bail, went to Mexico, they found him again
as a fugitive, that added to his woes, but because now he was in jail,
when they finally found him guilty, it was essentially "well, you
serve time"and we havent heard from him since! I dont
know what happened to him
Umm, its the worst case weve
had in terms of dealing with, following this through, but weve had
hacking incidents where weve traced it and had the police come in,
students have been expellednot manybut, people have been suspended,
its equivalent on a college campus
the same thing
as people cheating on tests, the worst cases you have
its very
similar. C: So policies and penalties are pretty case-specific then, right? S: Well, we have a list, its not public, but its something
we share with the Dean of Students and the people coming along, essentially
a penal code as to what we do-- C: Oh, okay. S: --and some of the things are just administrativeif we dont
want you to write a file in a particular area because it causes trouble,
we tell you dont do it, and if you do it once, its a warning
you do it many times youre not paying attention and we lock your
account, take away privileges. So getting access is a privilege, not a
right. The basic description that the Dean of Students will saythese
are UCI rulesthat, ah, once their students are admitted to the college,
then they have rights like any other students to the various things on
campus, unless they get themselves in a situation where theyre basically
denied those privileges. If they break a rule that we set, its our
responsibility to say "No, you dont need this"
where it comes up very difficultly in an academic setting is more and
more instructors are using the web and e-mail and whatnot to communicate
with their students, and in those cases what it ends up being is students
have been told they no longer have an account, and you need to tell your
instructor ahead of time, and theyll need to do something else. C: So then, what is the liability for the NACS? S: Well, you mean if theyre being sued by the people or something? C: Yeah. S: Well, again were representing the University and the policies
we set, we have to be specific about writing the policies we use, and
we have to follow a due process where we allow the student to say whats
going on
We have to communicate that to the Dean, so the Dean knows
thats what we decided upon, and that about covers it. The various
things that we give out are not any kind of rights, as I said, the services
we providein terms of something like the Machado case, we generally
will just turn it all over to the campus police, and the Dean, who basically
take it from there, so were representatives mostly to the Dean but
not to the police dept., but it just goes off. So our liability is not
necessarily to us identifying them, but the steps we have to take are
that were not discriminating against them, that were applying
the same rules to everyone, and that were stating what those rules
are, and thats what they sign-off at the beginning, saying "yes
I have read this policy." Ah theres one other thingI
talk too much, I need to let you ask some more questionsthe other
one that were trying to do is, weve sort of stream-lined this
a bit, to make the people who actually investigate a lit more formal,
with a penal code and a set of rules. In the past in was little bit more
informalthe system administrator would write these things down,
but theyd be like the only agent. Theyd come to their manager
if there was someone who wanted to talk to the management or something
like that. The other thing that were doing thats maybe kind
of interesting and unique is, we realize a lot of these issues are minor.
There are things like "even though I gave my friend my login,"
were worried more about its consequences more than the actual
act. So weve set up what Ive called a "Computer Traffic
School," which is essentiallyall the things that are minor
we make the students go back and go through and read questions related
to the computer use policy and answer them appropriately, or if they dont,
keep answering them until they get it rightso it forces them to
sit down for maybe a half hour in our areas, going through this again.
C: I think thats a really good, good idea. S: Well, I think youve got to do that because most of them are
in fact minor so youre worried more about big things happening,
but you want to make sure you educate people and you cant just do
things like "Oh, go read this, its over there"they
dont. Youve got to get them to sign something offthats
where you get the liability issue as wellyou said you read it. C: You kind of touched on something I was going to ask, you said its
kind of new, and I was just wondering how much or what in your policy
has changed since the Machado case, like penalties and that sort of thing. S: No, nothing since this is so far outside the range of ittheres
nothing that says "Thou shalt not send hate mail," anymore than
it says "Thou shalt not be indecent in the lab"right now
were dealing with a situation where someone in the lab was indecent,
probably even worse than that, but Ill leave that to your imaginationand
he went off to court and he was tried in court today and found guilty
of doing various things in our labs that other students were seeing. Now
thats not something were going to write in our policy, you
cant violate the laws of the state of CA in the US penal codes,
so were not writing down the worst case scenarios, and in the Machado
case, there was really nothing to write down. The only thing it taught
us is that these things can be more serious than at first, and doing things
like reading the message or assuming that the message is of one kind when
it could have been something else. And then part of the whole legal case
was, is this just a normal flame or is this in fact hate-mail, or a criminal
activity? And in fact the actual regulation is quite fascinating, that
was used by the federal government on him was a law from 1968, or was
it 63? C: Oh, I didnt know that part. S: Yeah, well the actual part that was used was that in the federal statuesand
this comes back from the civil rights erathat no one will have the
right to abridge the access of any citizen to public institutions of learning
based on sex, race, creed, etc. And what they were saying essentially
was that by scaring these students that there was somebody here willing
to kill them was abridging their right to come to the University. So that
this was a constitutional rights case. And thats in fact what they
tried him on. And that goes back to the 1960s with the various black
students being not allowed to go to Universities in Alabama, Louisiana,
being barred by the governor. So it was in fact a very serious law, nothing
minor, people were killed over this. So thats what they had said
that he was trying to provide fear and it wasnt just a flame because
hed picked out particular people, he had looked to see if they were
Asians, it wasnt just a message in a newsgroup that was known for
people flaming each other left and right and saying, you know , "I
dont like the Japanese," or "I dont like the Romanians"
and being very bland. This was "You particular, Im gonna come
and kill you," and that crossed that border, and thats something
that, you know, computer folks dont spend much time on. C: Right, and thats another thingI noticed that when they
convicted him that it wasnt at all, like you said, about anything
having to do with e-mail, but something broader, and they applied that
law to an e-mail case. Ive done a lot of looking into laws about
e-mail, but like youre saying, there doesnt seem to be a lot
of concrete stuff about harassment or threats like this, do you know S: Yeah, that is in fact why the federal government and the FBI and the
US DA were heavily involved in this and I think it went all the way to
Janet Reno at some pointit was because they wanted to set law. They
still continue to want to, in the justice dept., wants to set definitions. C: But they havent, right? S: Ah, well I wouldnt know
Im not a legal expert, but
nothing has come to us. We have a campus e-mail policy now, a UC-wide
policy, but it generally deals with things like, who has access to your
e-mail if youre an employee or a staff member. Those are more issues
of access because theyre worried about liability again. The actual
issue of freedom of speech, as far as I can tell, hasnt really been
defined much more. So what they were applying were existing rules to show
that e-mail is no different. And essentially thats what the sort
of policy we follow in generaljust because its an e-mail conversation
of some sort, thats no different than if it was a personal conversation.
You know, thats like if someone sends you regular mail and you open
it up and its addressed to you and it says "I hate you, Im
gonna kill you," the post office wants to know. (laughter) So theyll
go and do things about it, and theres a long tradition of regular
mail and regular communication, so they wanted to set policy here thats
saying e-mail is no different. And as far as I can tell no one has made
a counter-judgement, but I dont think its gone like to the
Supreme Court or anything but I dont see why it would be judged
any differently actually. Theres nothing really different about
ittheres this belief that the Internet is wide-open, but you
still dont go around and flander people or ah threaten them, that
hasnt changed. Its just that theres easier opportunity
of telling a whole bunch of people through something like your website
what you think. So the Machado case hasnt really affected us, except
internally of being more careful. C: Yeah, sureumm, one of the last things I was wondering about
was that, we, just to understand it ourselves a little bit better we were
trying to figure out a little more about his background and we havent
found much and I was wondering if you knew of anything
S: Umm, all we knew was what we knew from the registrar and the policehed
been a student here a couple years already, the Orange County Register
put a lot of effort into this and we spent a lot of time talking to their
reporters and theyd spent a lot of time trying to figure out his
background, why hed do this, etc, so Id aim you maybe in their
have a website as well, I think it should be either ocr or ocregister
but they have archives and whatnot. Their reporters there, I cant
remember their names, but they were around quite a bit. But the ah
we knew from the papers essentially was that hed been a student
here, his grades had been failing a bit, he was depressed about a brother
of his who was killed in some event, and those were the things he said
in court that affected why hed want to do this. As I said, the University
has a large Asian contingent of students, theres probably feelings
of bigotry on both ends and obviously that came up and thats why
they thought this was a racially motivated hate crime, he picked on this
group. This University is a little unusual it got a reputation in the
early 60sits only been here since 1965St. Olafs
has been there a lot longer, I know that!but ah, its not been
here a long time, it got a reputation for being, ah, it was a new school,
so it was less traditional than Berkeley or UCLA and it also started out
more of an engineering school and but it isnt really that way now,
so people migrated through this area who were interested in computers
and engineering and whatnot and, I dont know if you want to attach
any racial bias to that
and because the community too has a large
Asian contingency, its not really that unusual for the county or
California. So, I dont know why he came to this University, what
his major was
Dont know what happened to him. It really was
sad because he didnt know what he was getting himself into, this
was not a situation where this was developed for years, he wanted to use
this as a sounding board for his views, he had apologized profusely in
various public events that were staged by the campus to basically try
to diffuse the situation, but then the federal government wanted to use
this as an example and so the DA just followed along saying "yes,
this was a crime." C: Well, and I think thats a good point to make, because we are
trying to, especially for students, help them understand that exactlythat
things like this happen and you dont realize what youre getting
yourself into when youre doing with it
S: Yeah the way we describe the authorization part, the password and
login, to students is "This is like your PIN on a credit card"would
you give this out to anybody? Your best friend could get on your account
in a few minutes, send mail to the president of the US, saying you personally
were gonna come and kill him, and the security would be here in minutes!
(laughter) So you dont want to identify yourselfto give them
things like, it came from your account, with your name, your password,
you dont want to give them that. Because people do things like that,
and this is no differentits not as open as they believe, theres
just as much responsibility as anything else. So thats the most
important thing I think I would tell anyone about this case or this in
general is that, you have responsibilities to ah the same way you would
do a variety of things for the same reasons for other mediums. It surely
allows you to communicate quicker with large numbers of people in a variety
of ways, but then theres even more responsibility. Its like
SPAMyou can easily send mail to hundreds of thousands of people
and you may thing "oh thats no big deal," but then all
the computers along the way have to process that, and that slows everybody
down and they dont get something important and its all because
you played a joke and right now people arecommercial companies are
suing people left and right that send huge amounts of SPAM and their winning
cases. So there could be serious financial consequences for something
as simple as that. A lot of responsibilities. C: Yeah. Okay
S: So good luck to ya! C: Yeah, thanks! Is there anything I didnt ask that youd
like to touch onI think that pretty much covers what I had
S: Umm, no Id say look at our computer use policy, there are other
universities that have them
If you wanted to look some more into
this particular case, Id contact the Orange County Register Newspapereither
ocr or ocregister.comor use some search engine. C: Oh great. S: Theyd go into a lot more detail, and in fact maybe even a reporter
could talk to you about it. Ah, Dana Roode my boss is out of town for
about a week. What he would add to it maybe is his personal interaction
because he had to testify and give information. He had dealt with the
mediathey descended on us like nuts from all over the country. And
John Ward would be able to tell you more about the specificshes
not back till Monday. You can find all our phone numbers and e-mail
on our webpage, so
C: Okay, well, thank you so much youve been incredibly helpful. S: Sure well good luck to youwhen you write something up tell me
about it, love to see what you said. C: Yes, I will transcribe this too and send it to you on e-mail. S: Oh okay! Good luck! C: Thank you S: Bye-bye. C: Bu-bye. |