- Machado sends email threat to New University paper (U of CA,Irvine)
via his roommate's computer
- the email is traced to roommate's computer, roommate later said
Machado had access to the computer
- Machado identified as sender
- Warrant for arrest is filed against Machado, issued by Irvine
Police Department--the warrant is a "no bail felony warrant"
- Machado consents to a property search
- Case given up shortly after --> Machado's roommate took the
blame so he "wouldn't be bothered anymore."
(Between 1/1/96 and 9/20/96)
- Machado's older brother murdered in armed robbery prior to following
- Machado is doing poorly in school, getting pressure from family
to uphold high expectations
(Friday, 10:54 am)
- Machado sends hate Asians/threat email to about 59 UCI students
- Machado sent message a second time shortly after, when he did
not receive replies to the first email
- incident brought to the attention of Assoc. Director of The
Academic Computing Center, by her employees
- Machado identified in computer lab, asked to leave by Core Services
9/21/96 (Saturday)
- Director of OAC reads Machados email and decides that
it is a police matter.
- the incident is reported to University Police Department
- An officer is assigned to the case
- retrieval of surveillance video confirmed Machado as sender
- Irvine City Police notified and involved in case
- registrars office helps police locate Machado's address and
phone number
- an officer phones Machado's residence and leaves message
- Machado calls back and agrees to meet with an officer that afternoon
at 5pm
- charges filed after meeting:
--Knowingly & Without Permission Uses Computer Services
--Telephone Calls w/ Intent to Annoy (?)
- a stolen vehicle report is filed for Machado's second roommate's
- Machado had told one roommate he was borrowing his other roommate's
- Machado did not have permission to borrow car
- FBI attempts investigation
- an agent goes to Machado's residence, Machado is not there,
and hadn't been seen there since 11/13
- Machado allegedly left with Young's keys on 11/14
- other suspicions: $80 missing from roommate's coin jar; $154
visa charges to roommate's card, $54 of which were unauthorized;
calls on 11/10,11 and 12
- FBI agent phones Machado's roommate for confirmation of stolen
car/info on Machado's disappearance
- Tammy Machado (Machado's sister) interviewed and said Machado
disappeared on day his brother called him to inquire about Machados
name appearing in newspaper regarding Asian hate emails.
- Machado denied the reports in the paper to his brother; claimed
it to be someone else
- Tammy is informed that court date is set for 11/25 and if Richard
doesnt show, would be warrant for arrest
- Machado is arrested: was attempting to enter US from Mexico
--caught by U.S. Immigration Inspector
- Machado is reported as looking homeless, having no possessions,
looking for construction work in Mexico
- Machado is charged with 10 counts of inferring with a federally
protected activityin this case, students attending a university
- Machado is told he will face up to 10 years if convicted
- trial takes place, and on this date, a recess is granted when
NEW information is uncovered/presented
- questionnaires were revealed in which 9 of the students who
got the messages said they were not overtly bothered by Machados
- jury deadlocked, 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal
- Case said to have national importance by federal prosecutors,
so a second trial was set for Jan. 27, 1998
- RichardMachado is found guilty on 2 counts of civil rights violations
- Took only 3 weeks of trial to reach verdict
- Following conviction, Machado is released on a $10,000 bond
from custody
but is turned over to Irvine police on impending auto theft charges
- Sentencing is postponed until April 10, 1998
- Possible maximum time Machado could serve would be 1 yr.
- Machado has already spent 1 yr. in jail awaiting trials, etc.
- Machado is recommended for anger & racial tolerance counseling,
not allowed on UCI campus, no contact with victims.